1. What is Simulator?

You might not have a device yet, but wish to access the data flow in Fogwing. That's possible, Fogwing offers a solution with the 'Simulator' feature. The Simulator lets you send data to Fogwing and view data flows in Fogwing and Analytics. You need not invest without knowing how the Platform functions!

In short, Simulator helps you catch a glimpse of how data is received, analyzed and processed in Fogwing IIoT Platform without actually investing in Devices.

2. How can I use the Simulator feature?

Using the Simulator feature on Fogwing IIoT Platform is a quick and easy way to ensure the functioning of Data processing in Fogwing before investing. It helps customers gain a demo while publishing established data.

To Use Simulator feature, execute the following steps:

  • Login to your Fogwing IIoT Platform account >> 
  • From the menu bar on the left, Click ‘Simulator’ in the Edge Network section >> 
  • Simulator page displays >> 
  • In the ‘Payload’ section put the necessary data using Sample data >> 
  • Click the ‘Simulate’ button from the bottom right.

Attributes prefix with $ symbol are considered as system variable and maybe used for AI services.

Payload should be in JSON format only.